Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Snakes on a Plain!

Here is the trail in to 49 Palms, an oasis on the north edge of the Joshua Tree National Park. The hike is around 3 miles, with a 300-foot elevation gain and drop each way. I left my car around 6:00 PM to miss the daytime heat. The sun was setting behind me as I set out and the trail was easy, although I stopped every few minutes to rehydrate in the shade. I was thinking about how I wished I could walk silently like Native hunters were said to do, so I might see more wildlife. Rocks and larger boulders everywhere, positively Biblical, beautiful and relaxing... Until.

That buzzing, vibrating, rattling sound registered immediately. I froze, calculating that the sound was at least 10 feet away, so no attack eminent. Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself slowly backing up the trail behind me. I saw him then, winding toward me, but he didn't seem too committed about it. I kept going until I was about 20 feet away and commenced firing.

I hoped the rocks would send him on his way so I could continue down the trail. After a while he crossed the path and I didn't hear any response to my launches. It took a while to see him when I passed, since he hadn't gone as far off the trail as I'd hoped, but he seemed settled there so I took the time to photograph him.

The rest of the hike you can bet my feet made as much noise as possible.

I've seen rattlers a few times before, mostly as a kid, and don't really remember it. This confrontation, alone on the trail, is a memory that will stick around for a while!

Approaching 49 Palms at dusk.

Here's the view back down the valley (north) to the town of 29 Palms in the distance.

Here is where two of the other artists are staying, Wendy and Lola, north of the 29 Palms Highway near Pioneer Town. Wendy sleeps in the cute little trailer, and they both work in the cabin and a separate studio.

Below is the studio, where Lola's quail mask is progressing nicely.

Credit to Susan Lowe for the blog title today.

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